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Showing posts from 2015

Creating a Ritual to Review Your Year

As you hang the 2016 calendar and throw away 2015, it is a symbolic ending and beginning that causes us to pause, for just a moment.  What did 2015 mean for you?  What did you create?  And, what can you celebrate.... Hot Pink YOUniversity invites you to create a ritual to review your 2015. Take a moment and think back, month by month....what was happening?  What did you learn about yourself and about the world?  What feelings did you create?  What did you manifest for yourself? As you think of these for yourself....Hot Pink YOUniversity will exemplify the ritual we invite you to create. January launched the very first Woman on Fire:  7 steps to Reignite Passion, Purpose and Play.  We combined everything that we knew to be true academically and personally into this 6 month intensive program.  We felt nervous, excited and humbled as we began the work that felt like birthing.  Birthing our ideas into the world and hopin...

When the Helper Needs Help...

      I am feeling another rush of powerful emotion as I sit down to share this story with you.  There is no doubt that I have been forever changed in many ways by my recent trip to India and that the transformation continues. Christie and I talk and teach often about The Art of Receiving .  Most of us tend to be great givers but we struggle with receiving .  Christie and I had just decided this would be the playshop we would be holding for our travel tribe on this trip-little did we both know how we would personally be in the need to receive on this trip!   My story shows that we are always able to learn more and that the Universe will provide the divine right opportunities at the divine right time-often when we least expect it!      We were just coming off an amazing, deeply spiritual sunrise ceremony on the sacred Ganges River .  I was in a truly open, loving, peaceful state as we entered the streets of...

Hot Pink YOUniversity is INDIA Bound

It is the morning of our adventure.  My bags sit packed by the door.  My family still lightly sleeps.  I am feeling a mix of emotions....excited, yes. doubt.  A little afraid...stories trickle in from a variety of solicited and unsolicited sources on precautions and concerns.  It is this time before the trip, the books on India splayed out before me, my imagination centers of my brain on fire for what I might see, feel and hear.  These are the moments I feel plugged back into life, reignited with passion and perhaps a little purpose as I seek to understand and experience the various cultures of the world. For many of us, that fear holds us back from these experiences and we say "no" before we even consider the potential of a YES in our lives.  When you retrain your brain to say "YES", you plug back into that passion-seeking side of you.  Motivation is lost in 5 seconds.  If we look at the obstacles or potential...

Transformation with Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...OH MY!

Transformation Scary...exciting...powerful...Like lions and tigers and bears...oh, my! Transformation can keep you from going into the forest of change. We just wrapped up 6 months of transformation with the women who joined us in Woman on Fire : 7 Steps to Reignite Your Passion, Purpose and Play.   Each of the 6 months were filled with powerful one-on-one work with the women of Hot Pink YOUniversity .   The months held steps to contain the process of transformation.   Life isn't always like that, steps to transformations. Sometimes transformation is like a butterfly, gently releasing from a tissue-like cocoon.   But, more often it is   like a lotus, surrounded by muck and mud, rising slowly through the ooze and emerging bright and brilliant, better than you were before.   Or, transformation is a wrecking ball, bashing out of nowhere, unexpected, unwelcome and with devastating outcomes. We don't always get to choose what our tran...