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Authored by:  Christie Bemis I wrote this on the Saturday before Mother's Day and wanted to share this as we leave spring and move into summer.   I am hoping it will inspire you! As this Mother's Week wraps up...yes, you read that my home I lovingly refer to the week before Mother's Day as Mother's week, I am basking in the glory of being a mom.   Last night, my son and I went to a concert together. Today, my daughter and I will spend some quality time together, a bike ride or a snuggle with a movie....we will see what the weather allows.   And, tomorrow, I will wake up and wait and wait and wait, listening to the noises of my kids in the kitchen making me crepes with strawberries and banana foster topping.   And....yes, there's more, there will be the perfect gift and dinner on the grill. So, how did this magic   happen?   Are my kids just exceptional?   Did they get some kind of bizarre gene that included Mother'...

Radical Self-Love: Part Four of Four

Radical S elf-Love:  Part Four of Four Photograph by Christie Gause-Bemis   Imagine being asked out on a date with that one person in your life you are most excited to share your time with.   The anticipation, the thought put into your hair, your make-up, your outfit and your attitude, your personal pep-talk.   Now, imagine that date is with yourself....who more important to primp and prep for? When I turned 29, it was a milestone for me.   One more foot towards 30; but, more importantly, I was now older than my big sister.   She passed away the day after her 29th birthday party after a long battle with brain cancer, and here I was, alive and grateful.   I always wanted a surprise birthday party and remembered the one we had given my sister for her 29th.   I wondered, who, if anyone, would ever give me a surprise birthday party.   I know, a weird dream from childhood.   I decided that year, "why wait?".   Why wait f...

Radical Self-Love: Part Three of Four

Part Three of Four Parts on Radical Self-Love Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness I once did something in my life so bad, so unforgiving...even just thinking back to it, makes me shudder and ask myself, "What the hell was I thinking?!"   I mean, this behavior was so against my values, my philosophy of life, that it bolted me out of self-love into self-loathing for quite some time...won't even share what it is...that's how bad! We've all done some things in life that when we look back at the video of our makes us want to block that little chunk out.   Or, maybe we react with rationalization or justification to our deed, "Well, he....", "Well, I did that, but what she did was so much worse." or "I wouldn't have done that if....." .   Wouldn't it be a heck of a lot easier to just admit our mistake, ask for forgiveness and move on.   Time heals all wounds...even the wounds we create.   People do move o...

Radical Self-Love Part Two of Four

Radical Self-Love! Part Two of Radical Self-Love is tackling the kicks that life can give us along the way to chip away at our potential for self-love. My last blog dealt with messages we may have received growing up on our self-worth, thereby affecting our self-love potential.   Part two we are examining the things that life can do to us to whip it out of us, temporarily and sometimes permanently, if we let it.   Even if you grew up with loving messages from your primary caretakers,   middle school start questioning yourself, your worth and it is all measured by the yard stick carried by the most popular girls.   I don't care how much self-love you is difficult to survive some traumatic stuff as a young girl when the end goal is generally just to fit in. Or, maybe you feel the radiant beauty of self-love until the major break-up occurs with your partner.   Ouch, the rejection, the self-doubt, the feelings of worthlessness...