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Radical Self-Love Part Two of Four

Radical Self-Love!

Part Two of Radical Self-Love is tackling the kicks that life can give us along the way to chip away at our potential for self-love.

My last blog dealt with messages we may have received growing up on our self-worth, thereby affecting our self-love potential.  Part two we are examining the things that life can do to us to whip it out of us, temporarily and sometimes permanently, if we let it. 
Even if you grew up with loving messages from your primary caretakers,  middle school start questioning yourself, your worth and it is all measured by the yard stick carried by the most popular girls.  I don't care how much self-love you is difficult to survive some traumatic stuff as a young girl when the end goal is generally just to fit in.
Or, maybe you feel the radiant beauty of self-love until the major break-up occurs with your partner.  Ouch, the rejection, the self-doubt, the feelings of worthlessness.
Or, maybe you have enjoyed the joy and exuberance of life with the one you love, who dies before you.  As you move through the grief created by that void and begin to look at the future horizon, you question...."Who will love me like that again?"  "At my age, how can I start over?"  You start to doubt all you have to offer the next one.
Or, you face a major shift in your life.  A change of any kind and as the ground shifts beneath your once solid feet, once a stable foundation to hold you secure, your concept of self-love is put to the challenge...a career change, your grown-up babies moving on by dating or moving out, all those things that fed your self-love and held it safely for you, or a move for you leaving your friends behind. 


/ˈrædɪəl/ Show Spelled [rad-i-kuh] Show IPA
of or going to the root or origin; fundamental: a radical difference.
thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional forms: a radical change in the policy of a company.
favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues.
forming a basis or foundation.
existing inherently in a thing or person: radical defects of character.
This is where the radical comes in to the concept of radical self-love.  It is the root, it is the foundation, it is inherent.  Regardless of what occurs or shifts externally...the root of our being is love for self.  Like a beautiful blossoming tree that bears sweet all begins with a healthy root system.  Without that, life's kicks can shake us to the core.
I am a strong believer in things don't happen to you, they happen for you.  My older sister, Michelle, died of a brain tumor at the age of 29...I was 26 at the time and shook me to the core of my self-love.  It knocked me down, but not out, of life.  It was important to me to learn something about myself, about the world and take some lesson or gift away from that time.  For me, I took away my strength...looking back and saying, "Are you kidding me?  I survived that?!!"  Not only survive by thrive after something I never thought possible to exist afterwards.  At our last retreat for Hot Pink YOUniversity we had an exercise what makes you a Hot Pink Woman?  For each of us it is different.  The following is an exercise to help form self-love for all that you are, but first I am going to share what makes me a Hot Pink Woman!

What makes me a Hot Pink Woman!
I accept myself for all I do and mostly for all I don't do, or don't get done.  I release myself from inner judgment and from allowing the seepage of external judgment from the people in my life...even those that may be closest to me, knowing their truth of me, is never about me, but is about where they are at in their own lives. 
I am Hot Pink when I start each day as fresh and full of fabulous new beginnings!
I accept myself and I release self-blame, self-sabotage from my finest me and burst forward into what will and I "will"...manifesting my greatest good.
I am Hot Pink when I move from self-shame into self-love.
I am a mom, a wife, an artist, a therapist, a writer, a daughter and a friend.  I can be frazzled and overly creative with more ideas than time.  I like to have fun, I like to drink some wine, to dance to laugh and I love to sing.  I love to be raunchy and have an odd sense of humor at times.  I love to gather women.  I love to travel and feel oddly and ecstatically most myself when I am traveling.  I learn more and grow more through travel as it takes me way beyond the realm of routine and comfort and into an oxymoron-like uncomfortable joy.  If I had to spend the rest of my life with only one message to serve to those that choose my mindful restaraunt it would be to live outside of conventionality, convenience and boxes and move into YOU...however messy at times that can be, but so damn worth it!

So, what makes you a Hot Pink Woman!  Create your own womanifesto by asking yourself the following:  

·         What are my strengths?
·         What are my cracks?  I am referring to a concept of Wabi-Sabi..where in an Asian culture there is an embrace and a celebration of cracks in much so that in museums those cracks are filled with gold to emphasize and the light is shown on that thought!
·         When do you feel most alive?  Where do you feel most alive?
·         What do you need to release about yourself and fully accept?
·         What have you overcome and what makes you strong!

Christie Gause-Bemis
One of three of the women of Hot Pink YOUniversity.  Christie is a psychotherapist in private practice.  She is a mama, a wife, a writer, and an artist.  Visit for more information.  Email at


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