Women Who are in the Arena….I Applaud YOU! Brene Brown talks about the gift of vulnerability. And on one of her talks she shares that there are those who are in the arena and those who are on the outside. You know what I’m talking about? The arena where we try new things, take chances, take a risk. For many of us the chance is on loving again. Or, the risk of starting our own business. Or, trying something new, like taking a class or hobby or sky diving...Yeah, that arena. The one that grows you and the one that leaves you vulnerable, on the stage, in front of the audience. What Brene Brown talks about is that those that are in the audience or on the sidelines looking in have no right to judge, criticize, make fun of, or be less than supportive of those that are in the arena doing the hard stuff. If you are in the arena, be proud. Hold your head high. Ignore the naysayers, their merely the audience of your life, but also of their own life as we...
One Woman’s Journey to Her Own Pleasure Tami Durbon and Patsy O'Kieffe It’s mid-morning on a Friday and I am settling in and firing up my laptop to connect with Tami, one of our current Woman On Fire tribe for our Month 2 Coaching Call. I am energized and totally getting off on working from my favorite spot in front of our lake view windows in my comfy old, fit me just right yoga pants and messy ponytail-hand thrown dragon fly mug filled to the brim with the last of my Costa Rican java. Yea…I am tuned in and turned on for sure! Our topic this month is “Creating Your Hot and Juicy!” We will dive in to what brings her pleasure and how she defines and embraces her Body Beautiful. Month 2 in our Woman On Fire program is when we really kick things up and see women consider the concept of Pleasure. This is often when women will recognize just how little pleasure they have, what obstacles get in their way of ple...