How Can We Host a Feeling and Not Let It Ruin Our Day? It was early morning, the night after the fight, and still a restlessness was there. It was hard to imagine all the details of the fight, how it started, who said what. But, oh, that feeling was still there. Fresh. Raw. Tugging at the bedsheets to start afresh and dive back into the conflict. Anger. Hurt. Resentment. Do you know that feeling? It is a feeling that can make or break communication in a relationship. Wake up fighting. Hold on and fume all morning. We can hold on to a feeling for a very long time. The feminine brain is wired to have the memory storage capacity to do so...for days and for years. Holding on to a feeling, clasping it in righteous indignation, going over the argument in your mind about all the ways that you are justified to have this feeling. Whether it is anger, hurt, sadness, fear...these can all be permanent or temporary states of being...