Fear....such a tiny word, 4 letters only, with profound implications. In Scrabble, FEAR would only get you 6 points, not enough to win the game. But in life, we give FEAR so much more weight. It drives our decisions, makes us lose what is ours to have, keeps us skimming the surface in relationships, experiences, choices. I was having lunch with a friend a few weeks ago and we were talking about forks in the road and how to decide on something. I was facing a big decision in my life and it was making feel all kinds of things. At the core, I was feeling decision paralysis ...you know, not deciding on anything. When we are in that place, the outcome we desire looks impossible. When we are at the fork in the road, we stand there for far too long, kicking pebbles around and weighing the pros and the cons of each and every possible nuance of the decision. We camp out in exploration and visioning. In a month, a year or years, we find ours...