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Showing posts from July, 2015

Transformation with Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...OH MY!

Transformation Scary...exciting...powerful...Like lions and tigers and bears...oh, my! Transformation can keep you from going into the forest of change. We just wrapped up 6 months of transformation with the women who joined us in Woman on Fire : 7 Steps to Reignite Your Passion, Purpose and Play.   Each of the 6 months were filled with powerful one-on-one work with the women of Hot Pink YOUniversity .   The months held steps to contain the process of transformation.   Life isn't always like that, steps to transformations. Sometimes transformation is like a butterfly, gently releasing from a tissue-like cocoon.   But, more often it is   like a lotus, surrounded by muck and mud, rising slowly through the ooze and emerging bright and brilliant, better than you were before.   Or, transformation is a wrecking ball, bashing out of nowhere, unexpected, unwelcome and with devastating outcomes. We don't always get to choose what our tran...