It was 2010, several months after my father died, a few months before my 40 th birthday that I chose “YES” in my life. I had been wanting to travel with Jana Stanfield for several years. I met her at an event for the National Wellness Conference, but before that had been familiar with her inspiring songs and messages of positivity. Her life sounded so exotic, compelling, intoxicating…traveling the world, going to Bali, helping orphanages. So, after my father died I had a gift of some financial freedom which allowed me to look into traveling with Jana and volunteering. I looked so forward to Bali as Jana had spoken about many years prior at this conference and googled Jana’s website to see the when and the where of her next trip….what I was met with was disappointment as her next voluntour adventure was to Vietnam. VIETNAM??? I couldn’t possible go there ! In my mind I had the black and white images of newscasts of the war as a kid growi...